Why is our signature look down the torso?

Posted by Crystal Ellison on

     From the very beginning I knew that’s what it had to be. That’s what I pictured, and it had to be that way. I didn’t care what anyone’s opinion was on it to be honest, not that I didn’t listen to others. I just didn’t move forward with any look that didn’t vibe with what my core lead me to. When I closed my eyes to imagine the possibilities of other placements, I could picture auto technicians that worked metal wearing the shirt. A shirt with a message that was just one word…PUSHMETAL. Something that spoke to them regarding what they do for a living. And they could also incorporate their logo on the left chest area if they wanted to. I wanted to offer a different look then what they were used to seeing. Or if they wanted to just wear the shirt and not incorporate their logo, they would still be representing what they do in a cool and casual way. And from the start I already had the material down to a T on what would be desirable.


A black T-shirt with different color options of the word PUSHMETAL. The perfect blend had to be 65% polyester and 35% cotton. This combination allows the shirt to be light and breathable while working or not working. I knew those things were important to me because I work on cars as well. With that material it would be tough to shrink the shirt as well. I mean we’ve all seen it right LOLOL! There's always that one guy (or two) in a shop environment working on a vehicle doing whatever they are doing and there it is…the butt crack! Not to also mention that as a female in a shop, I hated certain shirts because they would ride up while I was working. I wanted to be conscious of a light, breathable shirt that had a little extra length to it.


The way I advertised the shirt was a lifestyle Brand shirt. When I did that, people resonated not only with PUSHMETAL’s look and how they could make it their own but also I had many people message me that they loved the tagline “Grind, Desire, and Perseverance”.


I’ve always been proud with each message or call about these shirts that we now label as the “Everyday T”. This shirt had and still has a deep message that people can hang onto and realize this wasn’t and isn’t just my brand, it’s their brand as well. The brand is me… it is them.


I never realized until time went on that this brand would start to take a life of its own. I’d get feedback or comments on social media from guys in metal bands, other sectors of the automotive industry, race car drivers, and especially guys that were in powerlifting/fitness or just people that went to the gym.  When people thought about how they could apply the wording PUSHMETAL to them that’s essentially when the brand came to life.


Here we are about five years later! So why did hold stick to our signature wording down the torso? Because I’m stubborn and it had to be the way I envisioned it, people love it, and it gives other printing location opportunities.


-Crystal Ellison
Remember to honor yourself by showing up!

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